Monday, February 25, 2013

FOUR years later!

Oh my!  Has it really been that long?  Four years with no updates on the little cherubs or about our life.  Wow.  Well, a lot has happened since then.  We now reside on the beautiful Florida Space Coast.  The kids are both in full time school, the little Princess is in Kindergarten and the little Prince is in First Grade.  Time just flew by!

Yes.  You read that right. We now live in Florida.  We absolutely LOVE it here!  We have made some wonderful friends, we love being able to swim almost the WHOLE year, the sunsets are just outrageous and the kids have been to Disney so much they think we have a second home there.  We have found a wonderful church family and I sing weekly at the 9:30am mass.  We are beautifully blessed, but then that is nothing new...God has always been right beside us, blessing us all along.

Here's some photos of our life over the last few years...enjoy!

2011 was such a busy year!  Settling into our new home near the Jersey shore, our trip to Arizona to visit family, putting the house on the market through the summer, the kids starting school, selling the house and then moving to Florida in October!  Phew!  What a year!  Filled with so many blessings!

 2012 was all about becoming 'Floridians' and enjoying our new Florida life. It was also about Disney, making awesome friends, Disney, visiting family up north, Disney, having family stay with us in Florida, Disney, buying our new home and settling into it, Disney, both kids being in school full time and oh yeah...visits to DISNEY WORLD!

Looking at these pictures reminds me of how blessed we are and how God has been guiding us here to Florida all along.  We have been through some dark times, but God's hand has been over us all the while.  That is most likely our greatest lesson from the last four years...even in the darkest of times, joy is ever present. Joy is a special gift from God that we can have at any time, in any moment...all we have to do is reach out and embrace it.

May you embrace your joy today.

- The Mamasaurus