Well, it's me, The Mamasaurus. I'm a stay at home mom with two little ones, 17 months and 9 months (help me, Lord) and a third child if you count The Hubbasaurus (who is currently working 12 hour days, Lord, PLEASE, help me). This blog is simply my attempt to keep sane.
We'll see how that works.
Right now, I'm on temporary hiatus while the children are nestled all snug in their beds (including The Hubbasaurus). Having children eight months apart translates into my home looking like a war-zone most of the week and me doing weird things like, putting the baby monitor in the fridge and carrying the container of milk up to bed, setting it down on the night stand and wondering why I can't hear my children's usual nightly snuffles and snores.
Break? Yes, I need one. I have no idea what's happening on my favorite TV shows, but I can tell you what Dora did last week and why Percy was so mad at Thomas the Tank Engine yesterday. With the kind of hours The Hubbasaurus is working the only romance I can get is from the Disney channel (what's Peter's problem anyway? Why can't he just commit? What's so great about Wendy, anyway? I mean, you can't get better than a freakin' fairy for godssake!).
I read a humorous article in the local paper once by a single mom saying that it had been so long since she'd been out on a date that she was starting to have intimate thoughts about Anthony Field...the blue Wiggle. I laughed so hard when I read that my morning coffee almost came out my nose.
How did I manage to have two children eight months apart? Adoption. My children are adopted from Korea. They are two of the most amazing and beautiful children I've ever seen and I am completely blessed to be their 'Mamasaurus'. It took thirteen years for The Hubbaurus and I to have kids. Was it worth it? You bet. I am the busiest, tiredest, craziest and happiest I've ever been. Some days I think I'll meet myself coming in the door. But it's all worth it. All of it. Even the sleepless nights, tantrums, stomach flu (yeck), no alone time with the Hubbasaurus in God knows how long...it's all worth it.
Someone said to me at Babies 'R' Us the other day, "That was a great thing, what you did for these children..." I shudder when people say things like that. I DESPISE when people canonize me for adopting my kids. I'm no saint. I'm a Mom just like any other Mom. The difference is that my babies didn't grow in me, but in someone else. I believe that God makes families, we do the leg work (no pun intended). We may have sex and get pregnant, we may go through adoption procedures to have a child, but the bottom line is, God chooses who will be together. Our family was created through the grace of God and nothing in this world can break that kind of bond. Nothing.
Many times, while walking through a store, someone will comment:
"Your children are so beautiful, are they brother and sister?".
Yes, we are family. No more, no less.
This is a frequently asked question.
I always smile anyway and say, "Yes." This always gets an extra "Awww" from the asker of the question. Yes, I know they were asking if my children were biologically brother and sister, but my answer has been and always will be, "Yes."
Yes, we are family. No more, no less.
- The Mamasaurus