Goodness it's been a long time! My last full post was back in June. Well, there's lots of reasons for that. 1) Settling into our Arizona life took time and 2) Settling in our New Jersey life is taking longer.
Yes, that's right. You read it right.
For those who do not know, we have moved back to the North East. Why? Too much sun? Too much dust? Not enough to do out west? No. No and no. Arizona was beautiful and I will always look at our pictures of our short life there with feelings of nostalgia, but it just was not for us. We left family there too, who are heart broken, just like the family we left here when we moved. We will miss our family and friends (gosh so many friends!) in Arizona very much.
This path that we're traversing, the hubby, the kids and I, has come full circle.
The Hubbasaurus often says, "Sometimes we have to go backwards to go forwards". I think that perfectly describes our move back east. Did we make a mistake by going to AZ? I don't think so. We learned so much. We could not have done that had we stayed here. But after the lessons were learned, it made more sense to come back.
Our kids are troopers. Lord knows, our little family has been through the wringer these past five months. We actually drove back across the country. Two adults, two toddlers, three cats in a minivan. Even a camper would have been cramped after ten hours...try forty-five hours.
Yep. It wasn't pretty...but our family is strong. We made it.
We got to see the country! How many times do you get to do that? I must say though, all along I kept wishing for those ruby red shoes Dorothy had.
It would take us a long time to find home, however. We thought we had secured a rental for NJ back in AZ before we left. We signed a lease and everything. When we got to NJ we saw the wasn't fit for human inhabitants! I cried my eyes out that night. We had told no one that we were back because we wanted to surprise everyone on Halloween. Sort of like: "Trick or Treat...we're baaaack!". We finally broke down and told the hubby's sister who lived in the area. She was shocked, to say the least, and she put us up for two days. We wound up staying with family for a full week before finally finding a new rental. Looking back, I don't know how we got through it all...definitely by the grace of God. Well, we're here now and things are starting to settle down...just in time for the busiest time of the year...heh heh heh...oh well.
One thing remains very true. Family is always there. Yes, they may be annoying at times...they may make you want to scream a times. At times, they may say hurtful things that should not have been said, or worse, with-held something that should have been. They can drain you and lift you up all in the same day. We can allow these idiosyncracies to kill us this holiday season or we can that them roll off our shoulders and go on with life.
Most people dread the holidays because of all the things I mentioned above. I passed a Mom at Shop Rite the other day that said to her child, "I can't wait for the holidays to be over!". How sad...and yet...I've shared this thought, too. I used to love the holidays...what happened? I know a special family that has lost someone very dear, who face the holidays with heavy hearts but are determined to feel the joy and celebrate the season. These are the people I draw my courage from. In the end, you are the master of your own will. Will you celebrate the season...or will you survive it? The choice is every situation, in any family. The choice is STILL yours. What will you do with your holidays this year?
One of the biggest lessons we learned while in Arizona is that happiness is not a location, it's not how much money you have in the bank, how many trips you've taken, how many prized possessions you own...
Happiness very simply is having what you need and wanting what you have. I'd rather be joyful than happy any day. Happiness doesn't last. Joy comes from God. Joy is a choice in any situation. When you understand that...nothing can shake your God-given joy.
I choose joy.
Joy is my daughter's laughter...I can hear it ringing in my ears long after she's gone to sleep. It's my son's smile and the way he runs to me to give me a hug. Hearing, "I love you", from my hubby. My hubby's great smile and his wicked sense of humor...sitting here at my desk...I can recall many times when he's made me laugh so hard, I cried. Watching my daughter give her Daddy a kiss...and then seeing the look on his face as his heart melts. The looks on all the faces of our families when they saw us and realized we were back. The old friends I've regained contact with...the new friends I'm making here...the endless chances to experience joy tomorrow and the day after and the day after that...
See what I mean? Joy. Three letters, very big word. I think when you choose joy, you truly live your life during the holiday season...not just survive it. This is what that special family does that has lost someone very dear to them. It is what I will do this holiday season....what will you choose?
On my 'Things that I am Thankful For this Thanksgiving" are three things that explain everything: the gift of love, the gift of clarity and the gift of joy.
Love has always been a big part of my life. I've always been loved and have loved others. Clarity reminded me of this special gift. The result was joy.
Lord, bless us all with eyes that see and hearts that are grateful...because then, we will all be rich.
A Blessed Thanksgiving filled with the joy of life to you all...
-The Mamasaurus